Drew Plaisted
- drewsemail04@yahoo.com
- (925) 639-9929
“I am excited to be finally celebrating the purchase of my home after a long wait and much paperwork. I am very grateful to you for attending to all the details and patiently seeing this through. I also can’t tell you how much I appreciate you finding the place and getting on it in the very begninning as you did. It was a definite “find”! I like working with you. You’re the best! W. Saylor, September 2012
Drew Plaisted joined Rossmoor realty in 2008. He is the Grandson of John Russell Sr, who was involved in the development of Rossmoor, and the founder of Rossmoor Realty, in 1967.
After graduating from San Diego State University in 2007, he quickly jumped on the opportunity to live in the Bay Area and sell real estate for Rossmoor Realty. In 2009, he became the youngest person in the companys’ 53 year history to attain his Broker’s license at the age of 28. He is the third generation in his family to specialize in selling real estate in Rossmoor.
With 9 years of experience and over 100 transactions in Rossmoor, Drew makes his client’s satisfaction, his number one priority. He prides himself on winning the “Best Testimonial” 3 out of the last 5 years.
You can contact Drew at (925) 639-9929 or email him at drewsemail04@yahoo.com